Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Calque's Call for Submissions

This message just in from Steve Dolph, editor of Calque:

Calque Announces a Call for Submissions to our Third Issue
To be published October - November 2007
Submission Deadline: September 16th
As always are interested in:
Literature In Translation: Prose, Poetry or Drama by writers of aesthetic and literary note from traditions not in English. Literature submissions should be one story for prose, and a set of three to five poems for poetry. We haven't published any plays yet, so let's have 'em--whatever you got.
Interviews: With translators, authors, publishers or critics of translation.
Book Reviews: Of new or forthcoming translations or books about translation.
For Calque 3 we are especially interested in:
Critical Essays about but especially IN translation. We want translations of essays that reveal literary conversations in foreign languages and literatures.
All translation submissions must include a Translator's Introduction between 1000 and 1500 words long. Electronic submissions are vastly preferred. Please submit all materials together in a single MS Word, Plaintext or RTF formatted attachment labeled [TranslatorAuthor].doc, eg GarnettDostoevski.doc. This is for the sake of our sanity, already fragile. I cannot tell you how many files labeled Calque.doc reside in the bowels of our network. Electronic submissions or inquiries should be sent to Paper submissions should be sent to: Calque c/o Steve Dolph / 808 South St. Box 131 / Philadelphia PA 19147.

Please see our website: for more information.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Literal: Latin American Voices (bilingual magazine)

The new issue of Literal has hit the stands--- gorgeous as usual and this one features an essay by Carlos Monsivais. And Literal is now doing some very elegant bilingual chapbooks... Editor Rosemary Salum inspires me more than I can say. More anon...